Education Council
The Fayette Chamber’s Education Council is comprised of members from both the education and business community. The group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the meeting room at the Chamber office. Lunch is provided at $10-$12 per person. The Mission of the Fayette Chamber’s Education Council is to coordinate the Chamber’s activities in regards to the institution of learning in the local area.
The Council supports programs that positively impact the students’ understanding of the free enterprise system that contributes to school-to-career learning opportunities for students at all levels. The Council strives for maximum collaboration between business and education communities to enhance the student’ acquisition of the skills and knowledge necessary for successful careers.
Objectives: Sponsor programs with effective career-focused and practical information and guidance forstudents from business leaders and professionals in a wide variety of fields; Develop an effective and practical program of activities to promote a greater understanding of the business community’s need for a skilled and talented workforce;
Coordinate other activities on behalf of the Chamber’s interest and involvement in the education of our youth and workforce development.
Collaborative Partners - The Education Council looks at education in a P-16 perspective which includes preschool and daycare centers, private, parochial, and public schools, career and technical schools, as well as private and public post secondary institutions.
The Chamber’s Education Council works closely with the Fayette Business Education Partnership and is supported with funding donated by the members of the Fayette Chamber and also grant funding provided through the Chamber’s non-profit arm, The Redstone Foundation. Current programs include: EducationWorks! Education Excellence Recognition Program, currently encompassing the Fayette County Educator of the Year Awards, Junior Students of the Month Awards, 8th Grade Extra Effort Awards, Senior Scholarship Program, and the Fayette County 8th Grade Career Awareness Fair. Government Affairs Council The Fayette Chamber’s Government Affairs Council is comprised of chamber members with an interest in local, state, and federal governmental issues as well as representation from our local, state, and federal legislators.

Government Affairs Council
The Government Affairs Council meets 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Chamber’s conference room.
The Mission of the Government Affairs Council is to unify the voice of business in Fayette County on legislative issues, developing pro-active positions on key community issues in general and specifically those which impact the business and professional community.
Objectives: Provide updates on recent legislation, assisting members to understand how proposed legislation may affect their business; Meet with and provide access to/interaction with elected officials, communicating the Chamber’s position on specific issues (local, state, and federal levels); Recommend membership action on specific issues; Plan/Coordinate quarterly briefings on topics of importance to members; Review legislation affecting area business and economic development and propose a unified position to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for approval, with particular emphasis on tax reform legislation and regional initiatives; Plan/Coordinate Candidate Forums for primary and general elections.

Special Events Council
The Fayette Chamber’s Special Events Council is comprised of members from throughout the community with an interest in community events. The group meets on an ad hoc basis in the conference room at the Fayette Chamber office, starting meetings three to four months prior to the event.
The Mission of the Special Events Council is to promote the economic stability and general welfare of the Fayette Chamber by originating and implementing stimulating events, using sustainable methods that provide positive public relations for the Chamber and active members, enhance the quality of life in the community, and raise money for operating income to provide additional services to members.
Objectives: Encourage member participation in events such as sponsors, vendors, and volunteers; Plan/Implement events throughout the year, including but not limited to: Polar Bear Battles (February/March), Easter Egg Hunt (March/April); Oil & Gas Expo (May), Independence Day Event (June/July), Chamber Annual Picnic (August), Spirits of Fayette County Ghost Walks (October), and Annual Recognition and Awards Dinner.

Fayette Business Education Partnership
The Fayette Business Education Partnership (FBEP) is comprised of representatives from our educational community (public/private schools, early educators, post secondary education, etc.), the organizations that support education in the County (Fayette Chamber, Fay-Penn, Workforce Investment Board, etc.) and businesses who have a vested interest in workforce development in the area (natural gas, healthcare, construction businesses, etc.).
Mission - The mission of the Business Education Partnership (FBEP) will be to develop collaborative partnerships between business and education, and to assist partners in creating and sustaining workforce development activities throughout Fayette County. The Fayette Business Education Partnership will be administrated through a partnership between the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce and Fay-Penn Economic Development Council. The FBEP operates through the cooperative use of 501(c)3, The Redstone Foundation (the non-profit arm of the Fayette Chamber), and 501(c)3, Fay-Penn Economic Development Council. The FBEP is to be a community network that forms working relationships between our business community, post-secondary education, and the schools and school districts within the County of Fayette in Western Pennsylvania.